
赌博娱乐平台网址大全的商业文学学士学位是为那些希望将商业作为第二专业而不局限于一个深入研究领域的学生设计的. 该计划与任何数量的人文或STEM领域完美配对, 为学生准备一个充满商业机会的世界.

AACSB Accredited


What You'll Study

Rich learning, experiential opportunities


Mindful mentors

商学院及其专业教师帮助学生发现并规划个性化的成功之路, 探索双方的优势互补和机遇.A. approach to business.

Jorge Colazo
Jorge Colazo, Ph.D.
Associate Dean
Robert F. Scherer
Bob F. Scherer, Ph.D.
Dean: Neidorff School of Business

Student Opportunities

Explore the real world of business

Honors Programs

Beta Gamma Sigma

Alpha Kappa Si


Research Opportunities

赌博娱乐平台网址大全的教师经常带领学生进行各种主题的定向研究, while students may also conduct research for course credit.

Study Abroad




Spaces and Facilities


Student Awards and Recognition

Outstanding Student Awards

When You Graduate

Opening new doors

拥有商业学士学位的老虎会运用他们的批判性思维能力, liberal arts background, strength in analytics, 以及在广泛的行业和领域中改变商业运作方式的变革性经验.



“老虎”因其强大的领导能力和团队建设能力而受到重视,这是在商业上取得成功和创新所必需的. 他们继续领导和改造世界各地的公司和非营利组织.

Graduate Schools or Programs:

  • Business Law
  • MBA
  • Music Business
  • Public Policy


    Career Areas:

    • Corporate Leadership
    • Education
    • Nonprofit
    • Organization

      Notable Companies who have Hired Trinity Graduates:

      • Dell
      • Facebook
      • IBM
      • Kellogg Company
      • Multinational companies across the world
      • Rackspace
      • San Antonio Spurs


      Take the next step

      Have more questions or want more information? 了解更多关于如何赌博娱乐平台网址大全,以及如何加快你的下一步教育.