Bethany Strunk observes lab results with student
赌博娱乐平台网址大全 研究ers Uncover Secrets of CMT Disease
Biology professor Bethany Strunk wins prestigious grant to continue research

为全世界近300万人服务, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease wreaks havoc on the nervous system that controls their muscles.

With no known cures and limited treatment options, this hereditary (inherited from parents) disorder has perplexed scientists and doctors for decades. But 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 biology professor Bethany Strunk, 现在有了一笔声望很高的国家拨款, is following a new lead which could provide insight into some forms of CMT. 

“We are really excited about this project” says Strunk, the recipient of the 2021 Voelcker Fund Young Investigator Award: a three-year, $450,000 grant from the Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Fund for a project that began with an observation made during her postdoc in Lois Weisman’s Lab at the University of Michigan. “赌博娱乐平台网址大全 has been the perfect fit for developing this research.”

CMT4J victims suffer debilitating neuromuscular symptoms as their myelin, the protective sheath around many nerve fibers, fails to rebuild and replace normally due to mutations in certain genes.

One of these genes codes for the lipid phosphatase Fig4, implicated in a rare and severe form of CMT known as Type 4J (CMT4J). “We are investigating the possibility that mutations in Fig4 in people living with this condition result in a failure to properly  ‘switch’ between metabolic pathways they need to repair their myelin,斯特伦克说. “What we’re trying to do right now is determine how Fig4 interacts with pathways that weren’t on our radar before.”

Student in Bethany Strunk's biology lab sits at desk

While one might expect this type of research to come out of a larger institution, 斯特伦克说要小一点, liberal arts university such as 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 has a key advantage. “I chose a primarily undergraduate institution because my energy comes from working with students. We are having fun doing something that is impactful at the same time,斯特伦克说. 

在赌博娱乐平台网址大全, Strunk says she can trust her students with a high level of autonomy. “The undergraduates here are operating like graduate students.”

已经很忙了, Strunk and her students are currently working with yeast to test and explore their theory. From their lab in the Center for the Sciences and Innovation, the group is doing a lot of cloning—making DNA constructs they can use to express different mutants in yeast—and genetic engineering, by altering yeast genomes to make “tools” they can use to observe various genetic changes. These tools are instrumental in seeing how yeast grows under conditions where Fig4 is required, or other disease mutants confer a growth advantage. 

Yet for all the advanced instrumentation and equipment 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 offers, Strunk maintains that the key factors in her group’s success are the people.


“这里学生的素质, they’re not just doing what I’m asking them to do, but some of them are taking projects in their own directions,斯特伦克说. “They’re making their own choices, and asking the questions they want to ask.”

一些学生, 斯特伦克继续, are even working on identifying other conditions that give these mutants a growth advantage. That could lead to even more profound discoveries about the nature of CMT in the future.

They’re also poring over existing research literature, a pivotal part of the job. This will also give Strunk’s students the chance to become better students and researchers. 

“I love that this becomes a teaching opportunity—an opportunity for them to find enrichment on the way to what they’re doing next. 在赌博娱乐平台网址大全, 教学是我工作的重要组成部分, but we aren’t sacrificing anything from our research,她说。. 在那种环境下, 风险很低, but the potential outcome is as high as it’s going to get anywhere else.”

Strunk says she can’t wait to make new discoveries about CMT with her students. “My students get so excited that they’re contributing so much to this work,她说。. “I’ve been so impressed with how enthusiastic, capable and fun these students are to work with.”


耶利米Gerlach is the brand journalist for 圣赌博平台网站大全 Strategic Communications and Marketing.
