Our Mission

赌博平台网站大全学生大使(TUSA)是赌博平台网站大全学生团体对赌博平台网站大全校友的代表, donors, and the University community. 在担任学生大使期间,学生们培养了团队合作的技能, leadership, social relations, and event management. 与校友关系及发展办公室紧密合作, 大使旨在通过建立和维护令人难忘的传统来提高学生的参与度, raise campus awareness about the importance of giving, 并将现在和过去的赌博娱乐平台网址大全学生联系起来,以便分享经验, open opportunities, and promote a lifetime commitment to philanthropy. 

Give Back


Group of student ambassadors at an alumni event
#TigerPride  #StudentAmbassadors


Member Expectations Include:


  • 参加安排好的每周会议并参与产生想法 
  • 每学期累积至少12小时的活动参与时数 
  • Attend semester retreats 
  • 积极参与活动的协调和执行 
  • 作为学生大使的一员,在与未来和现在的学生互动的同时,表现出对赌博娱乐平台网址大全的专业和自豪感, visitors, faculty, staff, and alumni. 
  • 对赌博娱乐平台网址大全充满热情,并开放地与他人互动 
  • 作为赌博平台网站大全使命和慈善事业的管理者

Perks of Membership


  • Leadership and professional development 
  • 独家机会与校友和贵宾见面和互动
  • Event planning experience
  • Representing your peers to members of the Trinity community
  • 有机会作为学生社区的代表向校友服务, University administration, and prospective and current students
For more information contact our Executive Team:


Become an Ambassador

Interested in becoming a Student Ambassador?  欢迎学生在春季学期招生时报名. 在此期间,申请人必须提交一份完整的申请, be in good academic standing, have a 2.5个累积GPA,并参加我们执行团队成员的面试. 

Apply Now

What We Do

学生大使与校友关系和发展合作,使各种活动取得成功,如校长晚宴, Making Connections, Policy Maker Breakfast, the Distinguished Lecture Series and Alumni Weekend. We also program and host our own events, like Future Alumni Week, Tuition Stop Day, Ring Ceremony, and more. 

All our programming efforts fall into four main pillars:


Giving back looks different for us all. TUSA旨在教育学生通过赌博平台网站大全捐赠的重要性. 通过像学费停止日这样的慈善活动,我们鼓励学生了解支持赌博娱乐平台网址大全的价值.


传统有助于在赌博娱乐平台网址大全创造持久的记忆,TUSA不仅致力于贡献和维护这些传统, 但要创造出能反映学生群体的新课程. TUSA成员发展和尊重传统,加强三位一体的发现价值, excellence, impact, the individual, and our collective community.


Now, TUSA比以往任何时候都更致力于为其他学生树立榜样,说明在赌博娱乐平台网址大全负责我们的教育和我们形成的网络意味着什么. Through virtual and in-person events, TUSA members engage with the student community, alumni, 父母和朋友一起创建一个持久而充满活力的老虎网络.


Service is paramount to paying it forward. Whether students can contribute time, resources, 对社区和彼此的智慧服务是成为学生大使的重要组成部分.


Tag hung on bench advertising thank a giver week event

Future Alumni Week

Each November, Student Ambassadors hold Thank A Giver (T.A.G.) Week to educate their fellow students about how alumni, parent, and friend donor help make a difference at Trinity. During T.A.G. Week, 校园里到处都挂着标签,表明捐赠者通过向赌博娱乐平台网址大全捐赠帮助实现了这些事情. 

Two students at the Student Ambassador pumpkin event

The Great Pumpkin Party


Alumni and students during the sophomore ice cream social

Sophomore Ice Cream Social


Alumni Weekend

Each October, 近一千名赌博娱乐平台网址大全校友周末回到校园,与他们的同学和赌博娱乐平台网址大全叙旧. 大使们有机会在周末举行的所有聚会和其他活动中与校友见面.

Tyrone Hayes close up photo in a science lab

The Distinguished Lecture Series

Through Trinity’s Distinguished Lecture Series, 学生和圣安东尼奥社区有机会参加由不同背景和观点的有影响力的个人举办的免费讲座. 

three women students sign bricks inside Murchison Tower

Senior Week

After four years as Trinity students, our seniors love to kick back, relax, and enjoy their final weeks in style. The Ambassadors host several events for them, 包括赌场大厦派对和最后的盛大招待会.


Ring Ceremony

三位一体的班级戒指记录了从三位一体毕业的光荣成就,并永远与我们伟大的机构联系在一起. 戒指仪式在春季家庭周末期间在教堂举行. 这是一个令人难忘的事件,你的家人和朋友可以见证你收到你的戒指. 你的戒指会在仪式前一天晚上睡在塔里.


Policy Maker Breakfast

政策制定者早餐计划是针对赌博娱乐平台网址大全商业联盟和大学社区的一系列早餐研讨会. 该系列节目邀请了来自新闻、政治和商业领域的杰出决策者. Past speakers include Christiane Amanpour, Scott McClellan, Tom Ridge, and former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo.


four Trinity donors stand in front of a logo background

The President's Dinner

At the annual President’s Dinner, 成员们帮助代表赌博娱乐平台网址大全的学生团体向大学的支持者们表示支持.